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100 quick and fascinating facts about the human body

The only part of the body that has no blood supply is the cornea of the eye. It receives oxygen directly from the air. The human brain has a memory capacity which is the equivalent of more than four terabytes on a hard drive. A newborn child can breathe and swallow at the same time for up to seven months. Your skull is made up of 29 different bones. When you sneeze, all of your body functions stop — even your heart! Nerve impulses sent from the brain move at a speed of 274 km/h. A single human brain generates more electrical impulses in a day than all the telephones of the world combined. The average human body contains enough sulphur to kill all the fleas on the average dog, enough carbon to make 900 pencils, enough potassium to fire a toy cannon, enough fat to make seven bars of soap and enough water to fill a 50-litre barrel. The human heart pumps 182 million litres of blood during the average lifetime. 50,000 cells in your body died and were replaced by new ones while yo
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Email Function

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <?php $paf_data.="Kaleem ID,PAF,Date,PAF Rec Count,PAF AMOUNT,PRC[Status],PRC REC Count,PRC AMOUNT, M2.CSV, M2 REC Count, M2 Amount, DIF[Status],DIF REC Count,DIF Amount,RFA,RFA REC Count,RFA Amount,DIF ACK / NAK (FILE NAME),DIF ACK/NAK REC Count,PAF AMOUNT LESS M2 Amount,M2 AMOUNT LESS DIF \r\n"; $filename = "Report-for-".date("Y-m-d-his",strtotime("$date2")).".CSV"; $filePath = "./tmp/$filename"; $fp = fopen($filePath,"w"); fwrite($fp, $paf_data); fclose($fp); $File_Name_Array[0]= $filePath; $email_to="ka

.NET Interview Question and Answer

Chapter 1: MS-SQL Server Q1. What is Relation in RDBMS? Ans A table in a database is called as relation. Q2. What is Tuple? Ans A Row of a table in database is called as tuple. Q3. What is RDBMS? Ans 1: DBMS is a layer of abstraction between application and database.2:Application interact with the Database via DBMS using Structure Query Language(SQL). 3 : If the database is logically in the form of tables i.e., relation then we call this DBMS as RDBMS. Q4. What is Primary Key? 1: Primary Key is a column of a table which is used to identity a row uniquely.  2: Primary Key cannot have NULL values. 3: Primary Key cannot have duplicate values. Q5. What is Unique Key? ● Unique Key is a column in a table which does not allow duplicate values like primary key. 2: It allows one and only one NULL values. 3: A table can have one and only one primary key. 4: A table can have one or more unique keys. Q6. What is Foreign key? Ans Foreign key is a column of one table which